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What Causes Yeast Infection?

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#1 Гость_EugenioHex_*

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Отправлено 30 марта 2018 - 06:31

How to Self Test for Candidiasis

The yeast infection symptoms will generally not take place after sex with another man. However, it has been found that condoms that are made with lubricants that contain the nonoxynol-9 spermicide. This has been found to be a cause of yeast infections in some cases. Condoms made with latex can cause infections in women who are allergic to latex as well. By finding the yeast infection symptoms early it will be easier to treat the symptoms and therefore take care of the infection. This is because when the infection starts to get worse the pain and itching in the vaginal area will only end up getting worse. Also, the discharges will take place more often when the infection is not treated soon enough. In summary it is important to be aware of the yeast infection symptoms that will take place in a yeast infection. An infection will have itching in the vaginal area and sore, burning feels. Discharges and yeast like odors will occur as well. By treating these symptoms it will be easier to take care of the body and the body will be healthier and more comfortable as a result... Natural Remedy for Yeast Infection-a Powerful Solution!



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